Sustainability is the key
Profitability and sustainability still seem to be at odds with each other.
‘We have to make a profit so that we can afford to be sustainable.’ This is how a colleague reasoned, and how quite a few managers reasoned in the spring of 2024.
Since I couldn't counter this much at the time, except for my ‘feeling’ that it was so illogical, I signed up for a ten-week digital course in ‘Business Sustainability Management’ at Cambridge University.
What a journey I embarked on with 440 participants from all over the world!
Inspiring, challenging and highly encouraging.
Highlights were:
- The impressions of the necessary interaction between governments, NGOs and companies
- The question: ‘What can Sustainability do for Business?’ Esp. Michael Porter's ‘concept of Shared Value’
- The global and highly effective interaction in our “cohort” of twenty participants (from Asia, Africa, North and South America and Europe)
- ‘Sell the Sizzle’ - we need to sell the transformation much more skilfully. “Armageddon” sells little and moves even less.
The course is highly recommended for anyone who thinks strategically. A very good knowledge of English and a willingness to engage in intensive academic work are prerequisites. Here is the
I have summarised my findings and am happy to share them in an impuls lecture, a workshop or in a 1:1 sparring session.